Societal Structure – Roles & Functions

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Why does society organize by functions and roles ?

To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of reaching better feelings, individuals, societies, and organizations gain from merging and distributing their efforts in functions and geographical regions. The following functions are usually needed:

  • Agriculture: Gathering food and drink from the environment.
  • Health: Curing diseases and feeling safer.
  • Law & Administration: Organizing relationships in the group and reward distribution.
  • Education: A pillar for enhanced development.
  • Industries (infrastructure building, manufacturing, leisure, etc.): Enhanced comfort, a pillar for other functions.
  • Transportation: People and goods mobility.
  • Leisure, sport, and Art: Expressing, sharing, and feeling.
  • Research and development: Enhancing knowledge for better solutions.

For optimal impact, functions need to collaborate and be part of each other. There is usually a service provider and a user. Within each function, a collaborative organization is hence required. Status and roles are very handy for optimal interaction and collaboration.

Here are some definitions of social status and roles:

  • Status: A position that a person occupies in a societal or social group (gender, race, sexual orientation, father, child citizen). Combinations of them make a status set (some are more valued than others). This status can be ascribed (by physics) or achieved.
  • Roles: Sets of behavior obligations and privileges that accompany that status. It is being performed. These are guidelines and expectations we have for ourselves and that others place on us.

If you’re interested in learning more about the functions of society, you can check out this Life Persona article. It provides a comprehensive overview of the most important functions of society, such as meeting basic needs, preserving order, managing education, and more.

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