Assuming that resources are evenly distributed between humans and wildlife, it is important to ensure that they are also distributed fairly among humans. This includes providing individuals with necessary resources for basic needs such as sleep and food. To achieve this, an industrial approach must be implemented to consolidate resources effectively.
This involves efficiently allocating resources such as space, energy, elements, and time through the principle of supply and demand, which follows overall principles.
The principle of supply and demand is typically evaluated by a third-party, such as a bank, who uses a standardized currency (money) to determine the value of a project.
Individuals present their project idea and the necessary funding, and the money is then created and given to the investor. If there is insufficient payback, the resulting debt is either balanced by the bank’s earnings from other projects or addressed through a taxation system.
This system not only pays back the lost money but also promotes efficiency within the general organization.
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